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Főoldal > Mezőgazdaság, állattenyésztés > Mezőgazdasági projektek > Animal manure dryer, pelletizer
Csatlakozott 2010.

Animal manure dryer, pelletizer

Irányár:25000000 - 160000000 HUF
Modell- vagy cikkszám:SzK-4
Származási hely:Szerbia
Minőségi tanúsítványok:CE
Minimum rendelési mennyiség:1 Darab/Darabok
We recommend a drying and pelletizing technology that can dry the 10-12% of the material required for pelletizing in one pass up to a moisture conte


- The entire production line is produced by a single company (except for the pellet press), so it is not necessary to fit the individual components together.

- Suitable for the processing of separated (moisture reduced) liquid fertilizer

- The heat required for drying is not supplied with heat from the burning of fossil
energy, but with gas obtained from plant biomass (wood chips, sawdust, straw, reeds, corn stalks, etc. other plant waste) s is produced. NO GAS USAGE!

- The simple design ensures continuous operation in the event of major failures. The first such dryers are around 10 years old, and no major repairs (e.g. re-walling of the furnace) have yet become necessary.

- The simplified construction, the low drying temperature, the "moment" drying (own measurement: from 65% to 10% in 2 (!) minutes)) based on calculation and practical experience, 10-30% less heat and electricity it takes energy to evaporate the same amount of water as with drum dryers! A significant economic factor!

- Direct factory connection, 1-3 year warranty and beyond-warranty service.

- We recommend production lines with a capacity of 1000 and 2000 kg pellets/hour. We have another performance to discuss.
- Short delivery and execution time.

In case of serious interest, please contact us for further information
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